
Welcome to the City of Threads ‘Is Anything Impossible’ sister episode, where, through the magic of immersive sound, we’ll be taking you deeper into the heart of some of the places and moments in the journeys taken by John, Alan and Virginia, in their episode. Best listened to on headphones! 


Narrator: Welcome to the City of Threads ‘Is Anything Impossible’ sister episode, where, through the magic of immersive sound, we’ll be taking you deeper into the heart of some of the places and moments in the journeys taken by John, Alan and Virginia, in their episode.

All of these recordings use binaural sound which really needs to be listened to through headphones to get the full experience, so, if you have some to hand, now is the time to go and get them and put them on…

We’re starting with John’s experience of the Harbourside, which was a place he chose as a sensory delight. 

Also in this episode we’ll be visiting the infamous city centre shared space, and spending a quiet moment appreciating Peros bridge.

At the end of the episode there’s a poem from the Bard of Bedminster aka John Vickery and a Nick Bignall original composition in there too. 

So, let’s get started, with the Harbourside….

John Vickery, aka the Bard of Bedminster, Poems transcript

The Learning Curve

 I’ve been asked to say a few words,

To welcome you today.

They said be brief and to the point,

Don’t off the subject, stray.

 I’ll do my best to be succinct,

Even though it might take longer.

Trusting that our words today,

Will make your knowledge stronger.

 The object of today’s excursion,

To demonstrate to you, our version,

Of what it’s like to not see well,

When going out, life can be hell.

 With your help, And our induction,

You can learn a useful function.

To guide a person that can’t see,

You never know, it could be me.

 We want to know, is this the place?

Or is it in a different space?

Can you help to give direction?

With our help, achieve perfection.

Do You Have a Clue?

 I got an email from Holly T,

Twas sent to a few people, and me.

About a discussion via zoom,

I said I’d go to my bedroom.

They’re going to record the things we say,

Others can hear it another day.

BPAC is the subject we’ll discuss,

Three VI people and Rachel plus.

 When we have done what we have to do,

Then sighted people will have a clue,

About who we are and how we tread,

Travelling through the City of Threads.