‘If you could but hear, what a tale we would tell. We could give you the start of the spiral, the hidden story of your elders, rooted deep beneath your surface, running through your rivers, coursing in your veins’
The ancient trees have a story to tell and they think we should know that we can play a leading role.
At the turning of each season, we are invited to seek out a favourite old tree, sit beneath it, tune in and listen. What happens next is up to us…
The Trees’ Tale is a piece of green storytelling, an epic tale in four chapters, one for each season, that casts the oldest trees as the storytellers. Using immersive 3D sound design and a participatory approach, ‘The Trees’ Tale’ will entice people out into their favourite green spaces, to connect with, learn about and celebrate the natural environment of which we are all a part.
‘If you would come, sit among us, earth yourselves, we could unlock the ancient tale, the one we’re dying to tell
and bring the people to a standstill, with our story…..’
Read writer David Lane’s thoughts on collaborating on the Trees Tale here.
You can see a promo trailer for The Tree’s Tale in the below film as well as watch The Tree’s Tale artist Alex Lucas at work.
If you are interested in the Tree’s Tale contact rachel@partexchangeco.org.uk for more information.
This is an Engine House seed idea developed with support from Arts Council England.