
Welcome to the City of Threads Record Breaking Baby sister episode, where, through the magic of immersive sound, we’ll be taking you deeper into the heart of some of the places and moments in the journeys taken by Emma and Dougie in their episode. Best listened to on headphones!


Narrator: Welcome to the City of Threads Record Breaking Baby sister episode, where, through the magic of immersive sound, we’ll be taking you deeper into the heart of some of the places and moments in the journeys taken by Emma and Dougie in their episode.

All of these recordings use binaural sound which really needs to be listened to through headphones to get the full experience, so if you have some to hand, now is the time to go and get them, and put them on.

We’re starting with a visit to the Hippodrome, taking you on Emma’s sensory journey into the vibrancy of Bristol’s very own west end theatre.

Also in this episode we’ll confront the perils of Dougie’s Old Market roundabout experience and immerse ourselves in the sensory delights of Emma’s favourite Caribbean restaurant, Turtle Bay. 

So, let’s get started with a trip to the theatre….