Dark City compiled VI resources and Activites

     Contents   Support Groups + Organisations   Tools and Resources   Social and Activity Groups   Arts and Cultural Venues + Organisations   Intro: Prepared by PECo Theatre as part of the Dark City project, this document provides a list of resources, support, activities and opportunities available for visually impaired (VI) people in Bristol. The… Continue reading Dark City compiled VI resources and Activites

Dark City Q&A – Holly and Rachel

  At a visual impairment accessibility lecture, attendees find events interrupted by a voice that hijacks the airwaves of the audio describe headphones they are wearing, calling them to action. The Dark City is in peril. Whole areas are disappearing, becoming impassable voids. Buildings and parks that used to be favourite haunts are causing sickness… Continue reading Dark City Q&A – Holly and Rachel

Categorised as Inspire

Sikka Magnun – Video Installation Inspiration

Thom Buttery audio visual artist on JUlian Trust Night Shelter project recommends Sikka Magnum by Daniel Canogar; ‘I really like the process of digital recycling, re-appropriating your own or others material to give it a new meaning or context, this approach is what the VJ practice was built on. This installation is both a beautiful… Continue reading Sikka Magnun – Video Installation Inspiration

Categorised as Inspire

John Hull on Blindness and Memory

This fascinating and articulate talk is a unique insight into one man’s experience of his blindness and how his visual memories were slowly replaced by ‘three dimensional, non-sighted, whole body images’ and the impact this had on the way he experiences the world.

Categorised as Inspire

Notes on Blindness

We went to see this powerful and beautifully put together documentary about the journey of one man into blindness as part of preparation for our upcoming RNIB project.[part of our Sentient City programme] The use of sound and image was extraordinarily effective and plunged the audience into an immersive experience that stayed long after the film… Continue reading Notes on Blindness

Categorised as Inspire

More Earthed inspirations

photo of forest around Dro by Krista Burane ‘This kind of engagement with landscape is an engagement with deeper notions of time than those we are conventionally accustomed to. Our guides tell us about the way in which local people in the valley would carefully tend the fruit trees and vines, not for their own… Continue reading More Earthed inspirations

Categorised as Inspire

Sound of Snow and Ice

More inspirations for our RNIB project [Sentient City], this time from composer, producer, musician Joe Acheson, about the incredible work of a school for the visually impaired in Finland that teaches children how to use sound as a means to explore their surroundings. Listen here.

Categorised as Inspire

Snowdon, surveillance and society

Hard to believe Edward Snowdon has been in exile from the ‘Free World’ for three years. Here he asks, in a calm and measured way, what kind of society do we want to live in and why Obama should pardon him. Useful fodder for our Future Tourist fermentations! Hear him speak here.

Categorised as Inspire