At PECo we have been working with visually impaired artists and core collaborators for over three years now developing our latest theatre project; an immersive multi-sensory journey into the city from a visually impaired perspective. As part of this we are committed to sharing the learning that we are undergoing around creating inclusive and accessible… Continue reading Sighted guide training
Tag: Sentient City
Dark City compiled VI resources and Activites
Contents Support Groups + Organisations Tools and Resources Social and Activity Groups Arts and Cultural Venues + Organisations Intro: Prepared by PECo Theatre as part of the Dark City project, this document provides a list of resources, support, activities and opportunities available for visually impaired (VI) people in Bristol. The… Continue reading Dark City compiled VI resources and Activites
Dark City outreach final session
PECo Theatre’s final Dark City session took place on 23rd May. It was such a special event and we are very grateful to everyone who attended for being so generous with their time and being open and honest about their unique situations as individuals, venues and organisations. We were pleased to be hosted by… Continue reading Dark City outreach final session
Dark City
[image of the universe with the pupil of an eye at its centre] Dark City There is a city intimately stitched within the city. When you walk your streets, you walk its streets too. An ancient culture, whose citizens are masters of navigation, of adaption and survival, of using senses other than sight. But a… Continue reading Dark City
Redcliffe Present Perfect: Histories of Now
Redcliffe Present Perfect: Histories of Now was a PECo theatre HLF funded arts & heritage project taking place in the Redcliffe area of Bristol from November 2017 to June 2018. It incorporated: Story collecting – audio recordings of living memory, local history, stories and memories Elders mentoring scheme – a core team of older people… Continue reading Redcliffe Present Perfect: Histories of Now
The Shelter Report – our time at Julian Trust Night Shelter.
Julian Trust Night Shelter Project – A Report. From March to July 2017, funded by the Quartet fund and an additional kind donation from the Atticus fund, PECo theatre worked with Julian Trust Night Shelter guests and volunteer staff in their 30th year of working in the city of Bristol. The aim of the project… Continue reading The Shelter Report – our time at Julian Trust Night Shelter.
Julian Trust Night Shelter – poetry, film and visual poetry
We have been volunteering at the Julian Trust Night shelter, helping out, meeting guests and volunteers, documenting their stories and developing ideas for a piece of site-specific immersive performance that might tell the stories of this site in a powerful, imaginative and affecting way. Initially the artistic impetus was coming from our two core artists,… Continue reading Julian Trust Night Shelter – poetry, film and visual poetry
Poet Sammy Weaver shares her inspirations with us
Sammy is working with us on our JulianTrust Night Shelter r&d we asked her what inspired her in her work. You can read a selection of her poems in our inspire section. Who are you and what form does your artistic practice take? I am a poet from the Welsh Borders, now living and… Continue reading Poet Sammy Weaver shares her inspirations with us
Audio-visual Artist, Thom Buttery, shares his inspirations
Thom is working on our Quartet and Atticus funded Julia Trust Night shelter r&d. We asked him a bit about himself and his work. Who are you and what form does your artistic practice take? I’m Thomas Buttery a Bristol based visual and light artist with an inclination for documentary film making. Why and… Continue reading Audio-visual Artist, Thom Buttery, shares his inspirations
Jeff Daniels being part of St Mary Redcliffe Place Based Theatre Club
I joined in these sessions as part of a journey of self discovery. This was to take me out of my comfort zone as I have not participated in drama/theatre type events before, other than being a member of the audience. So the journey began under the directorship of Rachel, providing an overview to stimulate… Continue reading Jeff Daniels being part of St Mary Redcliffe Place Based Theatre Club