The artists were asked to explore the Coroners’ Court in Bristol through:
Observing Abstracts (subjective):
- the emotion it seems to have, that it causes in you or potentially others
- its dynamic: fast, slow, flickering, lopsided, erratic, steady
- its atmosphere: calming, troubling, haunting
Observing the Imagined (the past):
- past voices
- past sounds
- past events and uses / misuses
Observing Wormholes (imaginative leaps)
- fantastical connections to other places
- echoes of other genres
- leaps to other events
- echoes of people inspired by the site’s resonances
This is Tom Lumens’ audio-visual response to exploring the building:
…which he then shared with Tracy Harris. You can read her textual response to his work here.
You can read more about this exercise and how our other collaborating artists are attempting to merge different disciplines’ languages in David’s Digest #2.
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