Field Trips – Earthed

[Above: Mick Petts and David Lane by the magnificent Pit Pony’s hooves in Pennalta Park, South Wales]

Over two days the team visited various sites to explore their thinking further around Earthed. Writer David Lane took a day out at selected site Ashton Meadows in Bristol, and then joined landform sculptor Mick Petts and artistic director of Part Exchange Co Rachel Aspinwall in South Wales the day after to visit some other inspirational landforms.

You can take a brief photo-tour of our exploits below.


Day 1: Ashton Meadows, Before Dawn – a light emerges from the darkness…

2014-01-09 07.43.01

Day 1: Ashton Meadows, Sunrise – a view from the railway walkway

2014-01-09 08.38.16

Day 1: From Ashton Meadow – a golden dawn catches Hotwells and the Avon2014-01-09 08.40.53 (800x600) (1)

Day 1: Ashton Meadow – echoes of mythology found in the most unlikely places…

2014-01-09 12.19.13 (600x800)

Day 2: Six Bells, South Wales – a sculpture of remembrance for the miners killed on 28 June 1960

Miner Monument on Approach from Path

Day 2: Six Bells, South Wales – words accompanying the sculpture and commemoration by Gillian Clarke, Welsh Poet Laureate

Poem at Six Bells by Gillian Clarke

Day 3: Six Bells, South Wales – guardian of the town

Miner Monument Looks Over Six Bells

Day 2: Parc Cwm Darran, Caerphilly – Mick tends to a hoof on his Boar Amphitheatre…

Mick Restores the Boar (1024x765)

…while David checks it all over and carries out a highly professional tail-strength assessment.

David Hanging from Boar Tail (1024x765)


Day 1, Ashton Meadow: a ‘text-scrape’ reveals hidden poetry within the space

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Day 1: Opposite Ashton Meadow – a host of stories preserved for passers-by…

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…including some intriguing tales of theft.

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Day 1: From Ashton Meadows – strange sentries overlook the city, landed from another world…

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…until the space is engulfed by night once more. 

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